Eureka Day


Eureka Day is a private California elementary school with a Board of Directors that values inclusion above all else—that is, until an outbreak of the mumps forces everyone in the community to reconsider the school’s liberal vaccine policy. In this play by Jonathan Spector, cases rise, and the board realizes with horror that they’ve got to do what they swore they never would: make a choice that won’t please absolutely everybody.

Eureka Day


Eureka Day is a private California elementary school with a Board of Directors that values inclusion above all else—that is, until an outbreak of the mumps forces everyone in the community to reconsider the school’s liberal vaccine policy. In this play by Jonathan Spector, cases rise, and the board realizes with horror that they’ve got to do what they swore they never would: make a choice that won’t please absolutely everybody.

Show Details

Written by Jonathan Spector.

Directed by Anna D. Shapiro.

For full credits, view the show on

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