The Last Five Years
The Last Five Years follows two New Yorkers, rising author Jamie and aspiring actress Cathy, as they fall in and out of love over the course of five years. The musical explores whether a couple, once united by their dreams, can remain connected as their paths diverge. Nick Jonas and Tony Award winner Adrienne Warren star in the first ever Broadway production of this musical by Tony Award winner Jason Robert Brown.
The Last Five Years
The Last Five Years follows two New Yorkers, rising author Jamie and aspiring actress Cathy, as they fall in and out of love over the course of five years. The musical explores whether a couple, once united by their dreams, can remain connected as their paths diverge. Nick Jonas and Tony Award winner Adrienne Warren star in the first ever Broadway production of this musical by Tony Award winner Jason Robert Brown.
The Last Five Years
The Last Five Years follows two New Yorkers, rising author Jamie and aspiring actress Cathy, as they fall in and out of love over the course of five years. The musical explores whether a couple, once united by their dreams, can remain connected as their paths diverge. Nick Jonas and Tony Award winner Adrienne Warren star in the first ever Broadway production of this musical by Tony Award winner Jason Robert Brown.
Show Details
Book by Jason Robert Brown; Music by Jason Robert Brown; Lyrics by Jason Robert Brown.
Directed by Whitney White.
Starring: Nick Jonas, Adrienne Warren.
For full credits, view the show on
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