
Water for Elephants


Imperial Theatre
249 West 45th Street
在Broadway 和8th Ave之间

首次预演日期: 24/02/2024
开演日期: Mar 21, 2024
终演日期: 终演日期未定
演出时长: 小时: 2, 分钟: 30, 幕间休息: 1

After losing what matters most, a young man jumps a moving train and finds a new home with the remarkable crew of a traveling circus, and a life—and love—beyond his wildest dreams. Seen through the eyes of his older self, his adventure becomes a poignant reminder that if you choose the ride, life can begin again at any age. Based on the novel by Sara Gruen, Water for Elephants invites us all to give ourselves to the unknown.

票务信息 & 时间表




周一 05/06 no show
周二 05/07 7PM
周三 05/08 2PM & 8PM
周四 05/09 7PM
周五 05/10 7PM
周六 05/11 2PM & 8PM
周日 05/12 3PM

如通过网上平台及电话渠道购买门票,则须按门票数和订单数分别支付相应的服务费与手续费。具体手续费因门票配送方式而异。设施维护费(如有 )已包含在门票售价之中。请注意:您可以在演出售票处亲自购买门票,以省去网上平台和电话渠道的购票费用。


TheatreAccess.NYC 会为到场观剧的残障人士提供协助。本站已为听力欠佳或全聋者、视力欠佳或全盲者、无法爬楼梯或需要过道座席或轮椅席者、患有自闭症或其他发展或认知障碍者整理好了选择剧目、购票与规划百老汇观剧行程方面的一切必要资讯。


Water for Elephants

Musical, Original, Broadway


After losing what matters most, a young man jumps a moving train and finds a new home with the remarkable crew of a traveling circus, and a life—and love—beyond his wildest dreams. Seen through the eyes of his older self, his adventure becomes a poignant reminder that if you choose the ride, life can begin again at any age. Based on the novel by Sara Gruen, Water for Elephants invites us all to give ourselves to the unknown.


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Book by Rick Elice. Music by PigPen Theatre Co. Lyrics by PigPen Theatre Co. Based on the novel by Sara Gruen.

Directed by Jessica Stone. Choreographed by Shana Carroll, Jesse Robb.

Starring: Grant Gustin, Isabelle McCalla, Isabelle McCalla.
Also Starring: Stan Brown, Joe De Paul, Gregg Edelman, Sara Gettelfinger, Wade McCollum, Paul Alexander Nolan, Paul Alexander Nolan.

如需查看完整的演职员名单,请访问 IBDB.com 查看该剧目,网址: IBDB.com


Imperial Theatre

249 West 45th Street
在Broadway 和8th Ave之间


Monday through Saturday: 10 am to 8 pm Sunday: Noon to 6 pm


Water for Elephants
Water for Elephants





如通过网上平台及电话渠道购买门票,则须按门票数和订单数分别支付相应的服务费与手续费。具体手续费因门票配送方式而异。设施维护费(如有 )已包含在门票售价之中。请注意:您可以在演出售票处亲自购买门票,以省去网上平台和电话渠道的购票费用。


TheatreAccess.NYC 会为到场观剧的残障人士提供协助。本站已为听力欠佳或全聋者、视力欠佳或全盲者、无法爬楼梯或需要过道座席或轮椅席者、患有自闭症或其他发展或认知障碍者整理好了选择剧目、购票与规划百老汇观剧行程方面的一切必要资讯。


周一 05/06 no show
周二 05/07 7PM
周三 05/08 2PM & 8PM
周四 05/09 7PM
周五 05/10 7PM
周六 05/11 2PM & 8PM
周日 05/12 3PM

Water for Elephants

Musical, Original, Broadway


After losing what matters most, a young man jumps a moving train and finds a new home with the remarkable crew of a traveling circus, and a life—and love—beyond his wildest dreams. Seen through the eyes of his older self, his adventure becomes a poignant reminder that if you choose the ride, life can begin again at any age. Based on the novel by Sara Gruen, Water for Elephants invites us all to give ourselves to the unknown.


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Book by Rick Elice. Music by PigPen Theatre Co. Lyrics by PigPen Theatre Co. Based on the novel by Sara Gruen.

Directed by Jessica Stone. Choreographed by Shana Carroll, Jesse Robb.

Starring: Grant Gustin, Isabelle McCalla, Isabelle McCalla.
Also Starring: Stan Brown, Joe De Paul, Gregg Edelman, Sara Gettelfinger, Wade McCollum, Paul Alexander Nolan, Paul Alexander Nolan.

如需查看完整的演职员名单,请访问 IBDB.com 查看该剧目,网址: IBDB.com

Imperial Theatre
249 West 45th Street
在Broadway 和8th Ave之间


Monday through Saturday: 10 am to 8 pm Sunday: Noon to 6 pm

Water for Elephants
Water for Elephants